Monday, October 08, 2007

Be Afraid. Be very Afraid. or NOT.

AP ran a piece by SETH BORENSTEIN in September.

Rising Seas Likely to Flood U.S. History

Ultimately, rising seas will likely swamp the first American settlement in Jamestown, Va., as well as the Florida launch pad that sent the first American into orbit, many climate scientists are predicting.

In about a century, some of the places that make America what it is may be slowly erased. Global warming -- through a combination of melting glaciers, disappearing ice sheets and warmer waters expanding -- is expected to cause oceans to rise by one meter, or about 39 inches. It will...

As always he is again terrifying us with his GWA. Thing is, he has his science wrong. And AP is fitting another mold -- Alarmist Press?

Thanks to, we see who is really in denial.

Update: The AP archive for Seth's story sells for USD 1.50. Forget about "buying" the story. You can go to breitbart for the story, free.

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