Friday, October 09, 2009

When death rates drop ...

... due to extreme weather, the MSM is silent.

Indur Goklany studies pronouncements in the past months that global warming deaths are on the rise by looking at available data. Guess what? Death rates are dropping.


Despite the recent spate of deadly extreme weather events – such as the 2003 European heat wave and the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons in the USA – aggregate mortality and mortality rates due to extreme weather events are generally lower today than they used to be.

Globally, mortality and mortality rates have declined by 95 percent or more since the 1920s. The largest improvements came from declines in mortality due to droughts and floods, which apparently were responsible for 93 percent of all deaths caused by extreme events during the 20th Century. For windstorms, which, at 6 percent, contributed most of the remaining fatalities, mortality rates are also lower today but there are no clear trends for mortality. Cumulatively, the declines more than compensated for increases due to the 2003 heat wave.


There are more deaths from road accidents on a daily basis, or even dengue. Although, MSM in this part of the world (which will be one of those feared to be greatly affected by climate change) are not remiss at reporting on these causes of deaths. Still the hype that supposed deaths from extreme weather take more prominence.

Not even mentioning numbers of deaths due to abortion. That is to say, there are many more important causes of deaths that we need to address now.

Here's more from Goklany.

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