Thursday, November 09, 2006

St John in Lateran

Today, the Church celebrates the anniversary of the Dedication of the Basilica of St John in Lateran, the seat of the Bishop of Rome, and that's the Pope. St. John in Lateran is the Cathedral of Rome, the mother of all churches in Rome and in the world. Founded by Constantine, during the time of Silvester (314-335) it has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. The current basilica dates from the 17th century.

That's me, with Ric and Jude, 2002.

Beside St John's is the Scala Santa, where the stairs in Pilate's praetorium that Jesus climbed after his scourging is preserved and venerated. The drops of blood are preserved. Pilgrims would, if they could, climb the stairs on their knees.

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