Friday, July 27, 2007


Cebu's Sunstar's headline today reads: But not in Cebu: ‘supply enough’
This was VECO's response to questions raised about the possibility of power outages in Cebu, in the light of projections that Manila will be suffering again from outages in the coming months because of the lack of water due to the effects of dry weather.

Ei, why did we have two outages in my area last night (one at 8pm and the other at 10pm)? Power was restored in no more than 10 minutes, though. ;-)

On another note, REP. Pablo “Pabling” Garcia (Cebu, 2nd district) said yesterday: “I’d like to set the record straight. Nobody asked me to withdraw, we were simply not given the chance to enter the race… We have lost the battle but, as they say, our dreams will never die.”

Nothing wrong with that, noh? Yes. My only beef is that news reports immediately after the "elections" of officers of the House of Representatives and the day after said that he asked not to be nominated anymore.

Why does anybody have to clarify reports? Why not get it right the first time?

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