Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Better medicines instead

The contraceptive mentality leads RH supporters to treat pregnancy as a disease, something that should be avoided.  But pregnancy is not a disease.  Ever wonder why health insurance will not cover pregnancies?

The RH bill being proposed in the Philippine Congress will push for more free artificial contraceptives.  Government will be the biggest supplier of these contraceptives.  Government will have to get these from suppliers, which in fact, going by government's tendency for special arrangements for megadeals, perhaps, may be a source of graft and corruption.

Many scientific and medical studies have proven the link of contraceptives to diseases such as hypertension and cancer (not to mention the amount of estrogen in the water that could be dangerous to the male species).  If government gets its mandate to distribute contraceptives, I believe it will be complicit in the health woes of many of our people.  We, as a people, should be able  to sue government.

The sad thing about people getting sick as side-effects of contraceptive use in the Philippines is that government helps little to none in the medication of the sick.  Why not allocate more and free medicines for hypertension and cancer instead?

If contraceptives are preventive and curative medicines (prevent and cure the disease that is pregnancy), why are there no sufficient health warnings in the packages?

And since the climate change peeps are meeting in Cancun (the link between global warming alarmism and population control and reproductive health will be for another post), let me ask one last question:  How much carbon emissions do manufacturers of contraceptives contribute worldwide?

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