Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The myth of dangerous anthropogenic climate change

I quote the last paragraph of the abstract of RM Carter in his The Myth of Dangerous Human-Caused Climate Change. RM Carter is a Professor at the Marine Geophysical Laboratory (Node C) of James Cook University, Queensland.

"The issue now is no longer climate change as such, the reality of which will always be with us. Rather, the issues are, first, the failure of the free press to inform the public about the true facts of human-caused climate change and of the dangers posed by natural climate change. And, second, the vested interests held by many of the groups of warming alarmists. These interests include not only the obvious commercial ones, but also the many scientists and science managers who have discounted or remained silent about the huge uncertainties of the human-caused global warming hypothesis because it suited them to do so. Public opinion will soon demand an explanation as to why experienced editors and hardened investigative journalists, worldwide, have melted before the blowtorch of self-induced guilt, political correctness and special interest expediency that marks the sophisms of global warming alarmists."

You can read the pdf of the study here.

The Great Global Warming Swindle, huh?

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