Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tuvalu is still around

Remember Tuvalu? One of the poster children (island) for global warming alarmists? BBC talked about it in 2000 sounding the concern of the Tuvalu government that rising tides due to global warming could wipe out the island. This year BBC again takes a look at Tuvalu. Yep it is still there. The concern for the island is there, although the dreaded first-victim-of-rising-tides due to global warming is now fairy tale.

Sake-Drenched postcards says: The facts are, though, that the sea levels haven't been shown to be rising, at least not anywhere near Tuvalu, and long-term monitoring results have shown them to instead be falling. But Tuvalu does indeed have significant problems - enough for it to one day relocate its people. Most center on the fact that it is of very limited size and resources. It is the rising effects of these issues - and not the rising sea - that now confront Tuvalu.

Read all here.

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