Friday, December 18, 2009

Total Submission

I quote portions of Glenn Beck in his December 14 article. And it is not because he says so -- I have said it many times, the extreme environmentalists, including the alarmists of the green kind, are really out to take control and if it means getting you and me (including those who will come after us) out of the picture, hell they'd do it:

Ah, now it works: Earth, government and you. You must serve the planet — the planet replaces God; it's fixed.

It all comes down to this: The climate cult wants more than just your recycling bin. If that was all this was about, I'd gladly join in. We recycle here at work, I recycle at home. I believe that we have a responsibility to be good stewards of this planet. But what they want is total submission.

It will start with legislation to limit your energy use. It will involve huge taxes — national at first, then global. They will, through the smart grid, control your home thermostat. They will limit the amount you can travel by car. But ultimately, it won't be enough, as the article in Canada's Financial Post points out.

The only way to really stop their imagined disaster is to limit the number of human beings on this planet. One child per family is negative population growth. I am against that and I think the science is settled that I'm not alone.

Who are these people that think they can tell us when we can procreate? Where are the people who've shouted: government out of my uterus; government out of my choice; government out of my bedroom?

Was it all a lie for you?

Ah, but in the end, their uterus sacrifice will be worth it because the cave-dwelling Piute trout and the salt marsh harvest mouse will finally be able to really thrive. Polar bears could number in the millions — maybe even billions. That will be the ultimate Utopia.

On another note, the Cornwall Alliance has this to say:

The Cornwall Alliance’s findings show that global warming policies would produce unethical results that would:

  • destroy millions of jobs.
  • cost trillions of dollars in lost economic production.
  • slow, stop, or reverse economic growth.
  • reduce the standard of living for all but the elite few who are well positioned to benefit from laws that unfairly advantage them.
  • endanger liberty by putting vast new powers over private, social, and market life in the hands of national and international governments.
  • condemn the world’s poor to generations of continued misery characterized by rampant disease and premature death.

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